Elias Abacioglu

Results 55 comments of Elias Abacioglu

created my own container that fixes this, https://github.com/deltaprojects/kafka-manager-docker

I tried with static IP, it fails when trying to install NFS cause it can't resolve hostnames. But I can try without NFS and with DHCP to see if it...

You have two bootloaders available (probably more). Open Bootloader and U2F. Open Bootloader was shipped with the devices previously, now I believe they might ship the device with U2F. Open...

Just an FYI, I'm no expert, I just own a nrf52840-mdk-usb-dongle myself. Anyways your image is not attached. Don't think attachments via email work on GitHub.

To be honest I install it using Tilt(https://tilt.dev), it's a tool like scaffold. I use it as part of my pipeline. And in my Tiltfile i have ``` k8s_yaml(kustomize('.')) ```...

@stoader Ok, so this means that install and upgrade is not going to be idempotent. Install = `kubectl create`, upgrade = `kubectl replace`. Well I can confirm that running create/replace...

That doesn't sound to good. So I guess this will be closed as a "won't fix" and hopefully the kubernetes project needs to solve this?

``` $ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/banzaicloud/koperator/releases/download/v0.20.0/kafka-operator.crds.yaml --server-side customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/kafkaclusters.kafka.banzaicloud.io serverside-applied Apply failed with 4 conflicts: conflicts with "kubectl-client-side-apply" using apiextensions.k8s.io/v1: - .status.conditions - .status.storedVersions - .status.acceptedNames.kind - .status.acceptedNames.plural Please review the...

But isn't the warning legit? Shouldn't k8s itself be the only entity that populates the `.status` key space and they should not be overwritten by an upgrade?