My local folder stores mails as maildir, one file per message. If I export a mail with first option (export directory) all is okay. If I export a mail with...
Documentation (german): ${date} Das Standard-Datumsformat ist JJJJMMTTHHmm: 202011060808 Export to eml has only JJJJMMTT: 20201106 the values for TTHHmm is missing old ImportExportTools version 3.3.2 has an extra check box...
Hello @cleidigh, today I tried with a fresh new tb version 102.12.0 (german) just installed PTNG. Here are some remarks 1. in addon description is still version 2.1.1: ... 6....
Just an idea. user can set intent spacing e.g. to 6. Too long captions have some spacing, e.g. 2 or 3 to the content and next line has the overall...