Ashe Kim

Results 58 comments of Ashe Kim

Hi again @Vinz1911. After receiving the _**profile_acceleration**_ parameter from the [`add_motors()`](, Turtlebot3 executes the `run()`. The `run()` includes a [`parameter_event_callback()`]( function. The `parameter_event_callback()` writes a new profile_acceleration to DXL when...

Hello @nikboy111. I think you built gazebo_ros_pkgs as a source file. `$ sudo apt install ros-foxy-gazebo-ros-pkgs` Please install it as a binary rather than a build from source. Thank you.

Hi @ishaniis. This error seems to occur because the Ignition package is not installed. Please Enter the command below to install the package `apt install ignition-rendering3` Additionally, there is a...

Hi. @IsmaelAmarochi. Turtlebot3_fallower is an example of using only lidar without using a camera. In other words, the Turtlebot3_fallower recognize and determine objects only with the lidar scan value. Turtlebot3_fallower...

@IsmaelAmarochi Hi again :) First of all, please understand that it is difficult to support new features. In the turtlebot3_folloer example, It is possible to change the model to Waffle...

Hi @Keita1Mori. Thank you for your questions. Please reset OpenCR by referring to the attached [link]( If the same problem still occurs, please replace the USB cable. Thank you.

Hi @Keita1Mori Please check if the Rpi network is connected. I'm attaching a [link]( with a problem similar to yours. Additionally, We are providing the SBC image for the convenience...

@Keita1Mori Hi. Please check if the launch file of the package to be executed exists. And build again after installing the package. Thank you.

Hi @huybeme. Thank you for your questions. I'm not sure what's wrong with your configuration, but I'm attaching an issue with a case similar to yours. #594 Thank you.

Hi @huybeme . I'm sorry for the misunderstanding that the environment consists of Gazebo. It appears that RVIZ crashes and throws an error if the robot position is outside of...