Results 9 issues of RCTORONTO

Hi, Is there a way to invert the signal so a single mosfet attached to a 5v pullup on the external power source can be driven.

seeing: unsupported algorithm "cn/gpu" detected, reconnect does this mean xmrig-proxy doesn't support the cryptonight_gpu that the hashvault pool does?

Hi I'd like to know how to go about updating the json config file for an xmrig-proxy. I run mine as services, and would like to be able to enable...

Where do we obtain the coinhive.min.js that's not available now... is there no client script to accompany coin-hive-stratum ?

is adding upx2 possible to this webminerpool code?

nvidia thread #1 failed with error :36 "invalid argument" [2021-03-19 13:23:02.861] nvidia thread #0 failed with error :36 "invalid argument" I can see in nvidia-smi that the xmrig process stops...

"done" and "filled" order updates received via websocket feed do not contain the order remark.

How would I go about using the websocketfeed to get ['topic' => '/market/ticker:XHV-USDT'] ['topic' => '/market/ticker:XHV-USDT'], ['topic' => '/spotMarket/tradeOrders'], ['topic' => '/account/balance'] into a single event loop, is there any...

when using xmrig-proxy-frontend to switch pools the written new config file sets "access-password" to "" instead of null having the effect of denying all the workers trying to use the...