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React Event loop

Open RCTORONTO opened this issue 3 years ago • 9 comments

How would I go about using the websocketfeed to get

['topic' => '/market/ticker:XHV-USDT'] ['topic' => '/market/ticker:XHV-USDT'], ['topic' => '/spotMarket/tradeOrders'], ['topic' => '/account/balance']

into a single event loop, is there any example that covers having these 4 items push, having one call to the api->subscribePrivateChannels seems to block the next...

RCTORONTO avatar Aug 16 '21 04:08 RCTORONTO

3 items, not 4

RCTORONTO avatar Aug 16 '21 05:08 RCTORONTO

// Subscribe multiple channels
$channels = [
    ['topic' => '/market/ticker:XHV-USDT']
    ['topic' => '/market/ticker:XHV-USDT'],
    ['topic' => '/spotMarket/tradeOrders'],
    ['topic' => '/account/balance'],

hhxsv5 avatar Aug 16 '21 08:08 hhxsv5


require DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php'; use KuCoin\SDK\Auth; use KuCoin\SDK\KuCoinApi; use KuCoin\SDK\PrivateApi\WebSocketFeed; use KuCoin\SDK\PrivateApi\Account; use KuCoin\SDK\Exceptions\HttpException; use KuCoin\SDK\Exceptions\BusinessException; use KuCoin\SDK\PrivateApi\Order; use KuCoin\SDK\PrivateApi\Fill; use KuCoin\SDK\PublicApi\Symbol;

use Ratchet\Client\WebSocket; use React\EventLoop\Factory; use React\EventLoop\LoopInterface;

//KuCoinApi::setBaseUri('https://openapi-sandbox.kucoin.com'); $BOT=array(); $BOT['settings']=parse_ini_file("/etc/rc/ku-xhv.ini", true); KuCoinApi::setDebugMode($BOT['settings']['debug']['enabled']);

// Logging in your code KuCoinApi::setLogPath('/tmp'); KuCoinApi::setLogLevel(Monolog\Logger::DEBUG);

if($BOT['settings']['debug']['enabled']){KuCoinApi::getLogger()->debug("ku-xhv-ws-bot logging started...");}

require ( 'vendor/phpclasses/circular-buffer/CircularBuffer.phpclass' ) ;

$auth = null; // Need to pass the Auth parameter when subscribing to a private channel($api->subscribePrivateChannel()). // $auth = new Auth('key', 'secret', 'passphrase'); $auth = new Auth('xxx', 'xxx','xxxx', Auth::API_KEY_VERSION_V2); $api = new WebSocketFeed($auth); //$api_private = new WebSocketFeed($auth); // store our bot details in 'BOT' $BOT['orders']=array(); $BOT['xhv']=array(); $BOT['usdt']=array(); $BOT['xhv']['prices']=new CircularBuffer(100); $BOT['settings']['firstrun']=true; $BOT['yins']=array(); $BOT['yins']['count']=0; $BOT['yangs']=array(); $BOT['yangs']['count']=0; $BOT['bot_completed_orders']=0; $BOT['xhv']['price']=null;

//$api_account = new Account($auth); //$api_orders = new Order($auth); //$api_symbol = new Symbol(); system("clear"); printf("BOT: ws xhv starting up...\n");sleep(1); sleep(3); // Use a custom event loop instance if you like $BOT['currentprice_ts']=null; $BOT['lastprice_ts']=null; $loop = Factory::create(); $loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function () { // var_dump(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); global $BOT; // xhv price is set by socketfeed

printf("%s %.3f\n",date("m/d H:i:s",time()),$BOT['xhv']['price']);

}); $api->setLoop($loop); $query = ['connectId' => uniqid('', true)]; $channels = [ ['topic' => '/market/ticker:XHV-USDT'], ['topic' => '/spotMarket/tradeOrders'], ['topic' => '/account/balance'] ]; /* $api_private->subscribePrivateChannels($query, $channels, function (array $message, WebSocket $ws, LoopInterface $loop) use ($api_private) { global $BOT; printf(var_dump($message)); // Unsubscribe the channel // $ws->send(json_encode($api->createUnsubscribeMessage('/market/ticker:ETH-BTC')));

// Stop loop
// $loop->stop();

}, function ($code, $reason) { echo "OnClose: {$code} {$reason}\n"; }); */ $api->subscribePublicChannels($query, $channels, function (array $message, WebSocket $ws, LoopInterface $loop) use ($api) { global $BOT; $BOT['xhv']['price']=$message['data']['price']; printf(var_dump($message)); // Unsubscribe the channel // $ws->send(json_encode($api->createUnsubscribeMessage('/market/ticker:ETH-BTC')));

// Stop loop

}, function ($code, $reason) { echo "OnClose: {$code} {$reason}\n"; });


gets the price, I never see any order updates or account info messages

RCTORONTO avatar Aug 16 '21 09:08 RCTORONTO

I can access the api in the full version of the script just fine for my account in the synchronous version

RCTORONTO avatar Aug 16 '21 10:08 RCTORONTO

be great to have a barebones example that works with the private feed

EDIT: I cant seem to figure out how to connect to the Private Channels websocket feed altogether (I only ever get the public channel subscription symbol ticker updates)

"The recommended way is to just create a websocket connection and subscribe to multiple channels." .... yes I'd love to, how?

RCTORONTO avatar Aug 16 '21 10:08 RCTORONTO

`<?php require DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php'; use KuCoin\SDK\Auth; use KuCoin\SDK\KuCoinApi; use KuCoin\SDK\PrivateApi\WebSocketFeed;

use KuCoin\SDK\Exceptions\HttpException; use KuCoin\SDK\Exceptions\BusinessException;

use Ratchet\Client\WebSocket; use React\EventLoop\Factory; use React\EventLoop\LoopInterface; use KuCoin\SDK\Http\SwooleHttp; use Swoole\Runtime; Swoole\Runtime::enableCoroutine(SWOOLE_HOOK_SLEEP); //Swoole\Runtime::enableCoroutine(); require('vendor/phpclasses/circular-buffer/CircularBuffer.phpclass');


$BOT=array(); $BOT['settings']=parse_ini_file("/etc/rc/ku-xhv-ws.ini", true);

KuCoinApi::setDebugMode($BOT['settings']['debug']['enabled']); KuCoinApi::setLogPath('/mnt/BACKUP'); KuCoinApi::setLogLevel(Monolog\Logger::DEBUG); if($BOT['settings']['debug']['enabled']){KuCoinApi::getLogger()->debug("ku-xhv-ws-bot logging started...");}

$auth = null; $auth = new Auth('xxx', 'xxx','xxx', Auth::API_KEY_VERSION_V2);

$api = new WebSocketFeed($auth); //$api_private = new WebSocketFeed($auth);

$BOT['orders']=array(); $BOT['xhv']=array(); $BOT['usdt']=array(); $BOT['settings']['firstrun']=true; $BOT['xhv']['price']=null; system("clear"); $loop = Factory::create(); $loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function () { // var_dump(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); global $BOT; // xhv price is set by socketfeed printf("%s %.3f\n",date("m/d H:i:s",time()),$BOT['xhv']['price']); if($BOT['settings']['firstrun']){$BOT['settings']['firstrun']=false;}



//$query_private = ['connectId' => uniqid('', true)]; $query = ['connectId' => uniqid('', true)];

$channels = [ ['topic' => '/market/ticker:XHV-USDT'], ]; $pchannels = [ ['topic' => '/spotMarket/tradeOrders'], ['topic' => '/account/balance'], ];

$api->setLoop($loop); //$api_private->setLoop($loop); go(function() use ($api, $query, $pchannels) { $api->subscribePrivateChannels($query, $pchannels, function (array $message, WebSocket $ws, LoopInterface $loop) use ($api) { global $BOT; printf(var_dump($message)); if($BOT['settings']['debug']['enabled']){KuCoinApi::getLogger()->debug("got a private message?");} // never see that message }, function ($code, $reason) { echo "OnClose: {$code} {$reason}\n"; }); }); printf("\n\nPrivate running??\n\n"); // see that message go(function() use ($api, $query, $channels) { $api->subscribePublicChannels($query, $channels, function (array $message, WebSocket $ws, LoopInterface $loop) use ($api) { global $BOT; $BOT['xhv']['price']=$message['data']['price']; printf(var_dump($message)); if($BOT['settings']['debug']['enabled']){KuCoinApi::getLogger()->debug("got a public message?");} // only works when called before the subscribePrivateChannels }, function ($code, $reason) { echo "OnClose: {$code} {$reason}\n"; }); });

printf("\n\nPublic running??\n\n"); // never see that message

?> ` No dice... I see ticker messages, two sets of pings and pongs, but no account balance or orders messages from the private subscribe

RCTORONTO avatar Aug 17 '21 17:08 RCTORONTO

commenting $loop->run(); in Private websocket subscribe channels solved my concurrency issue... still not getting any balance or orders messages, I do see welcome, ping and pong for both the connections (private - to get my details & public - to get the currency prices etc)

RCTORONTO avatar Aug 17 '21 21:08 RCTORONTO

$query_pri = ['connectId' => uniqid('', true),'privateChannel'=>true,'response'=>true];

was needed, wasn't obvious because there's no example demonstrating privateChannel subscription

RCTORONTO avatar Aug 18 '21 15:08 RCTORONTO

Can you paste where you put $loop->run();? I'm running into a similar issue I believe... I'm not even sure I understand what a loop is for.

makopov avatar Sep 08 '22 23:09 makopov