Nox_robot copied to clipboard
Nox robot project
Hello! A wonderful job! Can you help me a little bit with the speed_to_pwm ration. How did you obtain it? All the best!
Hi, i am doing an project like you project but i have used RPlidar A1 instead KINECT. So i want to ask you how to create launch file to use...
Hi Robin, I am working on a similar project. I am also using Arduino to give the motor commands. Do you think I should add IMU to the RasPi directly...
Hi, forgive my english .. it's really bad .. I have a problem with your project. when i launch roslaunch nox nox_bringup.launch on Rpi everything is ok except this: [joint_state_publisher-1]...
I think the wiring diagram shows pins 2, 3, 5, & 6 being used for the encoder inputs but the arduino code uses 2, 3, 4, & 5. Made my...
WHen connecting to rplidar and running the launch file, one error keeps on coming i.e., *LOST SYN TO DEVICE, RESTARTING*