Dear EcoTyper team, We want to use ecotyper in our scRNA-Seq dataset. But I was confused with the differences of Tutorial 2 with Tutorial 5. Which analysis pipeline should I...
Hello, cellchat is a wonderful tool! I ran into the same issue with running addIterativeLSI with my data. code: scATAC
Hello, conga is a wonderful tool! I ran into an issue with explore fancy_conga_pipeline_with_batches_and_gammadelta_tcrs notebook. My command : gex_datasets = sorted(glob.glob('*-CD3')) diseases = ['C','NC','CT'] # colitis, no-colitis, healthy control contigs_file...
Hello, tcrdist3 is a wonderful tool! I ran into an issue with running Radius with my own data. My command : tr.clone_df['neighbors'] = _neighbors_variable_radius( pwmat = tr.pw_beta, radius_list = tr.clone_df['radius'])...
Hello, Your tutorial is a wonderful tool! I ran into an issue with following it. code: fraction_cell_type_array = pd.DataFrame() for cell_index in np.arange(binary_heatmap_data.shape[0]): current_cell = binary_heatmap_data.ix[cell_index,:] detected_genes = current_cell[current_cell==1].index detected_cell_types...