
Results 87 comments of PtrMan

These don't touch a lot of the code. patham9 schrieb am Di., 22.05.2018, 1:02: > Don't such exist? See the NAL7 examples. > > — > You are receiving this...

Why don't you take a look at my links?

When may you have time for this?

Is really something for 3.2.0+ in 2020+

But this is a off by one error. Should be really 6 because the first event happend in cycle 1 add 5 cycles makes cycle #6 when the 2nd happened

Will do so after doing some more other changes

Still a problem because you just treated the effects - not the cause. I'll fix the cause when I find the priority for it.

This will require a walker over the AST/Terms and a AST/term builder. We discussed this in IRC a few hours ago.