
Results 87 comments of PtrMan

The benefit is that the logic can be changed from the outside! The Number 16 was the next base 2 number which made sense with some room for future changes....

The table can be generated by a code generator too. I am not yet happy with the representation and mechanisms here. Some things I am currently considering are * arguments...

Multi ops >(*, a, b) to become (a * b) and products > (a * b)> overlap in syntax with a completely different meaning. Narsese was not designed as a...

Event trace should solve this fine, I just need to add a event bag'ish deriver to the branch

Will take some more refactorings - lets see where this may lead us

Hm I have to look at the code to reconsider this. I updated the issue.

Had the same idea about codegen - it is a possibility.

Indeed, the compiler for the rule-language can indeed emit source code. This code describes the inference rules with data structures and lambdas/classes. The advantage is that it's still possible to...

The unit test fail /nal/application/toothbrush.nal @11550 OutputContainsCondition OK: [$0.3727;0.0003;0.5886$ (^lighter,{SELF},toothbrush)! %1.00;0.18%] OutputContainsCondition FAIL: No substring match: (^reshape,{SELF},toothbrush)! %1.00;0.06% similar(1): (^reshape,{SELF},toothbrush)! %1.00;0.09% similar(2): (^reshape,{SELF},toothbrush)! %1.00;0.22% similar(7): (^lighter,{SELF},toothbrush). %1.00;0.06% similar(8): (^lighter,{SELF},toothbrush)! %1.00;0.12%...