
Results 87 comments of PtrMan

I need to add this * split some of the core methods into multiple smaller methods (it is still to convolution in my opinion, but this is not super important)

This one requires a big refactoring and may introduce bugs if done incorrectly :worried:

Why not MVP0 - I wouldn't call it working - it is semi-working

Yes because I need this for the rule language (or a approximation of it) and syntax highlighting in GUI

That are different responsibilities - and I am aware of it.

This can't be done fully in labs (which is a good idea) because the parser can't be overwritten

It is a good match and a requirement for the (new) parser because it has to "feed" the Term/AST builder recursivly. Plus it by it's nature prevents narsese-injection attacks/bugs.

Why should it be slower?

Generating all rules is probably not worth the effort - writing/maintaining the codegen takes time too.

It it is annyoing if the user(me at least) spawn continuously Reasoner/Nar's