Nate Graham

Results 76 comments of Nate Graham

When printing the same gcode file again, the problem reproduces with Marlin, but does not reproduce with Sprinter. Sad face! :(

You know, I bet that's what it is. I use Slic3r too. On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 7:42 AM, Ahmet Cem TURAN < [email protected] > wrote: > > I...

I've opened to make Slic3r not generate comments, but Marlin should be more tolerant of comments in gcode.

Replicatorg should also strip these comments before sending them:

After removing comments and trailing whitespace, I still see the same issue, even when printing with Pronterface and the default 250000 baud rate. Trying the same print twice seems to...

This has been fixed for me by using the beta: If nobody else objects, I'll close this out in a few days. I encourage everyone who's affected by this...

> agree except for the ended user should be told that the appimage they are installing will be being moved to the applications folder once integration is done. still think...

I agree that it's really close to being a TimeShift replacement, and this is something I'd very much like as well. FWIW I'm primarily a KDE developer, and I think...