Nate Graham

Results 13 issues of Nate Graham

About two hours into a long print of the Vanderbilt Mansion (Marlin at 115200 baud, Sanguinololu 1.3a, Replicatorg, Slic3r-created gcode,, the extruder and platform abruptly home for 200,200 and...

Installed version 3 with `apt` on Ubuntu and rebooted. Works for many CSD-bearing GNOME apps, but not [Lollypop]( (which is 3rd-party, and written in Python).

Right now, when you first run an AppImage, AppImage Launcher pops up a dialog asking the user if they want to install the desktop integration bits and if they want...


Flatpak apps store their cache files in `/home/nate/.var/app/[rdns-style app id]/cache/` rather than in `~/.cache`. If it's possible to do a regex match, Kup should exclude by default `/home/nate/.var/app/*/cache/`.

It would be great if Kup offered incremental snapshots with `rsync`, merging the advantages of versioned backups and a user-browseable filesystem. This is something I sorely miss from my macOS...

**Describe the bug** The Calamares installer fails to install grub on my disk which it has just created a new partition in. 64bit system, 1TB Samsung EVO SSD, MBR +...

**Describe the bug** The Calamares partitioner fails to split my NTFS disk into multiple partitions so I can install KDE Neon alongside Windows 10. 64bit system, 1TB Samsung EVO SSD,...

feature: improvement

Right now Flathub doesn't have a facility to rename AppStream IDs (perhapos because they're used as the repo names?). This is problematic in cases where the AppStream ID used by...


Reduced backtrace: ``` Thread 1 "charmtimetracker" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x000000000045f7ad in X11IdleDetector::checkIdleness (this=0x9e5520) at /home/nate/kde/src/charm/Charm/Idle/X11IdleDetector.cpp:61 61 const int idleSecs = info->ms_since_user_input / 1000; Missing separate debuginfos, use: zypper...

### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Describe the bug Missions involving involve traveling to Nenia in a Puffin and...
