Hi, I'm having difficulty to send a RenderTexture of my fulldome game view to Touch.Designer via Spout. It seems that I can only send the default camera view without the...
Hi, I saw there was some experimentation on using vfxGraph to create a fulldome compatible effect. I was wondering if there was any way I could try it with my...
Hi Marek, I have a 4.0gb .r3d file that I'd like to cut in a bunch of smaller segments of 1 to 5 seconds - Do you know if there's...
Hey, I'm trying to set one of the Record3D clip from my scene in slow-motion via the timeline but the option is greyed out: Do you have any alternative to...
Hi Marek, I hope you are doing great. I've been playing a lot with the project in the past year, making compositions out of multiple 3d clips. Playing and working...