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Repository for the Plant Ontology
We have a term called megagametophyte cell ( ([PO:0025026]( , which is defined as a plant cell that is part of an embryo sac. I suggest that we rename this...
We have renamed the sister terms for 4 flowering stage to remove the numbers. Suggest the same here. 4 flowering stage ([PO:0007016]( change name to "whole plant flowering stage" Also...
The existing term 6 ripening stage ([PO:0007010]( is defined as "Maturation of the fruit. " There are two major problems with this definition: one, it describes a process, not a...
The existing term 5 fruit formation stage ([PO:0007042]( is defined as "Formation of the seed-bearing structure after flowering." There are two major problems with this definition: one, it describes a...
Shoot lateral meristem is currently defined as being part_of a shoot axis, but lateral mersitems (e.g., vascular cambium) can also be found in leaves, especially in petioles. I suggest that...
included vascular cambium ([PO:0004523](, current def.: Cambium occurring within xylem. This terms is not used anywhere. Some authors use "included phloem", but even that is used incorrectly, according to Carlquist....
At the POC conf call 3-21-12, we agreed on the revised definitions and comments: cotyledon emergence stage ([PO:0007049]( A seedling development stage ([PO:0007131]( during which the cotyledon ([PO:0020030]( emerges from...
The following changes were approved at the POC meeting on 3-8-12. wood parenchyma cell ([PO:0004525]( Current def.: Parenchyma cell occurring within secondary xylem. Rename "secondary xylem parenchyma cell", with "wood...
These anatomy terms, as defined, seem to be mesocotyl at different growth stages. If so, suggest keeping mesocotyl and dropping others. If not, the definitions should be expanded so that...
Proposed change rapid elongation of leaf sheath stage ([PO:0001024]( definition to: A vascular leaf expansion stage ([PO:0001052]( during which a rapid elongation of the leaf sheath ([PO:0020104]( occurs. [plant-ontology-po-term-requests:#557] Reported...