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whole plant flowering stage (PO:0007016)
We have renamed the sister terms for 4 flowering stage to remove the numbers. Suggest the same here.
4 flowering stage (PO:0007016): change name to "whole plant flowering stage"
Also suggest that we modify the definition.
Current def.: The stage at which any flower(s) on the plant are open. Comment: This stage refers to the whole plant.
New proposed def.: A sporophyte reproductive stage (PO:0007130) during which a flower (PO:0009046) on a whole plant (PO:0000003) is open. Comment: This term is to be used for a stage of development of a whole plant. For the stages of development of an individual flower, see flower development stage (PO:0007615).
This definition needs work (e.g., not all flowers open), so this change is just for triage. We can come back to it later.
Reported by: rlwalls2008
Original Ticket: obo/plant-ontology-po-term-requests/499