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Emergence of the cotyledon, hypocotyl and epicotyl
At the POC conf call 3-21-12, we agreed on the revised definitions and comments:
cotyledon emergence stage (PO:0007049): A seedling development stage (PO:0007131) during which the cotyledon (PO:0020030) emerges from the seed coat (PO:0009088). Comment: This term is used only for seed plants. The actual point of emergence from the seed coat (PO:0009088) may not be observed if the seed is underneath a growth medium, especially in plants with with hypogeal germination.
epicotyl emergence stage (PO:0007054): A seedling development stage (PO:0007131) during which the epicotyl (PO:0020035) emerges from the seed coat (PO:0009088).
Comment: This terms is used only for seed plants. During this phase, only the first true foliage leaf or pair of leaves is visible. Occurs in plants with hypogeal germination. The actual point of emergence from the seed coat (PO:0009088) may not be observed if the seed is underneath a growth medium.
hypocotyl emergence stage (PO:0007043): A seedling development stage (PO:0007131) during which the hypocotyl (PO:0020100) emerges from the seed coat (PO:0009088).
Comment: This terms is used only for seed plants. The actual point of emergence from the seed coat (PO:0009088) may not be observed if the seed is underneath a growth medium.
epicotyl emergence stage (PO:0007054): A seedling development stage (PO:0007131) during which the epicotyl (PO:0020035) emerges from the seed coat (PO:0009088).
Comment: This term is used only for seed plants. Occurs in plants with hypogeal germination such as pea (pisum sativum). The actual point of emergence from the seed coat (PO:0009088) may not be observed if the seed is underneath a growth medium.
Reported by: cooperl09
Original Ticket: obo/plant-ontology-po-term-requests/460