Hi, I'm the maintainer of [rsynth](https://crates.io/crates/rsynth), an "API abstraction for API's for audio plugins and applications". My "strategy" with `rsynth` was to stay away from UI's, hoping that others (with...
Version 0.2.0 can make some breaking changes, so this is a list of things I would like to change before version 0.2.0: - [ ] Remove deprecated things - [...
What is obvious for one person is not necessarily obvious for somebody else. So it would be good if pull requests, including mine, would be reviewed. Here by reviewing I...
There's currently only support for `hound` for reading and writing files. Add support for using [`audrey`](https://crates.io/crates/audrey)
Add support for using [CPAL](https://github.com/RustAudio/cpal) as a backend.
Add support for LV2 back-end via the [`rust-lv2`](https://github.com/RustAudio/rust-lv2) crate.
This pull request separates the analysis from the synthesis. The purpose is to enable things like time stretching.
I'm preparing a new release for [rsynth](https://github.com/PieterPenninckx/rsynth) and I would like to use the most recent features from `rimd`. [crates.io](https://crates.io/) only supports dependencies that are also on crates.io. Can you...