bootstrap-year-calendar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bootstrap-year-calendar copied to clipboard

[DEPRECATED] A fully customizable year calendar widget, for boostrap !

Results 107 bootstrap-year-calendar issues
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Hi there, I'm pretty new with this calendar and I don't know how to use my own JSON from a query on MySQL, to change the default DataSource in the...

Try to check for details at April 29 in your Full Example to recreate the scenario.


Hello everyone, First of all thank you for the great year calendar, currently i am stuck between a tiny thing that i want to enable only 6 months from the...

It shows vertical scrollbars on big screens. ![untitled](

hello ! selectRange(e) holidayKindCode

Hey, I noticed that, if you use german language, there's a problem with the umlauts. I added a 'charset=utf-8' to the script tag, but that didn't work. So I digged...

$(function() { var currentYear = new Date().getFullYear(); $('#calendar').calendar({ disabledDays: [ new Date(currentYear,1,2), new Date(currentYear,1,3), new Date(currentYear,1,8), ] }); }); I wanted to click to the disabled date and alert it...

i have a customDataSourceRenderer and it works great at initiation. How can i make calendar use my customDataSourceRenderer at all setDataSource method calls ? thanks.