bootstrap-year-calendar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bootstrap-year-calendar copied to clipboard

[DEPRECATED] A fully customizable year calendar widget, for boostrap !

Results 107 bootstrap-year-calendar issues
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Hi! How to setting disabled day of ajax? thx!

Hi Team, I couldn't figure out an easy way to disable the weekends (Saturday, Sunday) and highlight them in red. The only option is to use "disabledDays" but it only...

Hi, thanks for this fantastic plugin. Tried to make my own html with the full example, but the icons for previous and next year keep missing. I think I downloaded...

The year neighbors are using the hidden-xs and hidden-sm styles, which only works using the window width as parameter, but don't respect the container width as the calendar containers do....

Hi, Just wondering if there is click functionality on date range selection? i.e. clicking on first and last dates of the range selection rather than click an drag over dates...

Is there any callback event triggered when the datasource of a calendar changes. Scenario: When user clicks on a day, the next 15 calendar days are selected automatically which is...

When the final day of a month is a weekStart the pluging doesnt show that day. The error is at the line 234 " while (currentDate < lastDate) {" that...

Hi, Im new with bootstrap-year-calendar but I really like it. I´m trying to do something particular: write a letter after day number, every day that has an event. I have...

I was trying to change weekStart (committed on Jul 31, 2016) with no luck. While inspecting code I noticed, that file I downloaded differs from file located in github, even...

Migrated BS3 classes to BS4 classes + .panel -> .card + .row wrapper for .col + .col no longer needs breakpoints + .hidden-* is deprecated, used d-* for the year...