bootstrap-year-calendar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bootstrap-year-calendar copied to clipboard

[DEPRECATED] A fully customizable year calendar widget, for boostrap !

Results 107 bootstrap-year-calendar issues
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I believe the work is already done, but it'd be ace if the release on was the latest one that has the yearChanged event. I've managed to get things...

How can I change the background color of cell on click of it using 'clickDay' event?

When we click on the date the modal is open but the field is blank. But I wanted to open the modal and display the value. How can be possible??...

I have seen an old issue to print calendar with colors, but it wasn´t solved. How can I print the calendar with the bakground colors? When I print the screen...

Problem is with how responsive support is implemented, month container initially has no col-xx-yy classes thus has full width and all months are rendered beneath each other. Responsive column class...

year Changed event is not propagated outside like clickDay even though it is made available. to fix it replace setYears event trigger with `var eventResult = this._triggerEvent('yearChanged', { element:$(this), currentYear:...

Hello, In my website I am loading DataSource via AJAX, it is working fine in desktop but not working in iphone mobile device. Any idea why? And how can I...

Hi Paul, Thank you for published calendar project. Need help on bootstrap full calendar functionality. I want to implement same functionality in Asp.Net MVC, Angular JS with SQL. Please help...

Is it possible to add a custom class to a day from dataSource? I want msgtype value to be added as a class to the rendered day. Basically, I want...

and the javascript code is $('#calendar').calendar({ customDayRenderer: function (element, date) { if (date.getDay() == w1 || date.getDay() == w2) { $(element).css('color', 'red'); } } }); when I run the page...