bootstrap-year-calendar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bootstrap-year-calendar copied to clipboard

[DEPRECATED] A fully customizable year calendar widget, for boostrap !

Results 107 bootstrap-year-calendar issues
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Hello, I want to ask if this control supports Monday as the first day of the week.

Hi there, I wanted to store the year every time the yearChanged is fired. This is the my code: ``` yearChanged: function(e) { var tahun = $('#calendar').data('calendar').getYear(); alert(tahun); }, ```...

Hi, I have modified the code so that the event info will be shown just after we clicked the specific day. I changed the `mouseOnDay` to `clickDay` and set the...

Hi everyone, I am wondering on how to have a hyperlink for each day. I would like to have the user to click any day in the calendar, and it...

hi, i make this code inside script to save datasource event in database but nothing happend no values in database : $.ajax({ url:"insert.php", type:"POST", data:{,, startDate:event.startDate, endDate:event.endDate}, success:function(){ alert("Added...

brother can you give me the code html

Hi, if I install the sample with the included datasource, all events are shifted by one month. This sample event: ``` id: 5, name: 'Chrome Developer Summit', location: 'Mountain View,...

This is fix for issue #150 when context menu goes off screen

I love the project. But I fail to install _any_ of the examples as the events/the data is simply never shown. Could someone please provide a simple, archived version* of...