David Maas

Results 177 comments of David Maas

@aDioS786 Sorry I forgot to respond. As an alternative to the `_S` workaround Omar posted, you can disable the breaking change with [`/Zc:char8_t-`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/reference/zc-char8-t?view=msvc-170). > Another solution may be to configure...

> DefaultFont = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("Fonts\NotoSansJP-Regular.otf", 20); You need to escape your backslashes. For example: ```cpp DefaultFont = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("Fonts\\NotoSansJP-Regular.otf", 20); ``` Also you should be testing with debug builds so that you...

> debug builds u referring ot same what Omar referred to? Using Debug-Tools? No, I'm referring to the debug configuration in Visual Studio. See [this article on Microsoft Learn](https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/visualstudio/debugger/how-to-set-debug-and-release-configurations?view=vs-2022). (You...

Thanks for filling out the whole issue template! In the future though, it'd be ideal if you could provide something we can just copy+paste into one of the official example...

I don't think Dear ImGui's rendering actually relies on repeat texture sampling, but this change would make the WebGPU backend inconsistent with other backends so a proper fix is not...

(Edit: Omar beat me to it 😅) This feels very XY problem and feels like a very odd things to do, it'd help to know what exactly you're trying to...

> I've noticed that the highlight is not applied while doing so. I would like to get a highlight on this item in the same way as when the down/up...

This file is automatically generated from https://github.com/dearimgui/gl3w_stripped so it'd be ideal if this PR targeted it instead.

This is most likely an issue on your end. You should use a graphics debugger like [RenderDoc](https://renderdoc.org/) to investigate.

Hard to say without debugging your app, which is why I recommended looking at a graphics debugger.