David Maas

Results 177 comments of David Maas

While it isn't commonly used (and wouldn't make sense in that context), it's worth noting that `::` is already in use for [namespace alias qualifiers](https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/a19fac74c01a6c3da67d38b2f79527145d4edcbc/spec/namespaces.md#namespace-alias-qualifiers). Personally, I'd rather see the...

No, because the target type is known to be `object`, not `Color`.

Hello! Dear ImGui's text shaping is extremely simple and doesn't handle composite characters like those. (See also https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/4227 https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/4922 https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/1228 https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/4943) The easiest solution is probably to "recompose" the strings....

`ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground` and other methods for using a transparent background only work for windows within your own app. Compositing Dear ImGui windows with other windows outside of your application is not...

@isringo See [this FAQ entry](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/blob/44d98bfd6d12caee43bea49fda71c8313c3e57e7/docs/FAQ.md#q-how-can-i-enable-keyboard-or-gamepad-controls) for details on keyboard/gamepad navigation.

I still think it's a bit odd to have multiple experiments kludged together in the same repo, but I'll take your word for it that it's easier from a engineering...

> The RyuJIT has large number of platform-neutral managed-code specific optimizations that are required for a good code quality. That makes a lot of sense, thanks for the info!

> Is there something wrong with the way I wrote up the issue? A large wall of code puts the burden on us to read through it all and try...

Misc links for self-hosted symbol sources: * https://blog.jayway.com/2011/06/19/hosting-your-own-source-symbol-server/ * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/source-server-and-source-indexing * https://stackoverflow.com/a/29323175/636752 -- Fantastic overview over different types of symbol stores. ([NVIDIA's driver symbol server](https://driver-symbols.nvidia.com/) appears to be a 2-tier...

I quickly made a "server" using `symstore` as described in that Stack Overflow answer. Looks to be pretty simple if that's really all there is to it. Only major issue...