David Maas

Results 177 comments of David Maas

I almost wonder if it's swapping the buffers but not waiting for vsync so the back buffer is being scanned out while you're still rendering to it. If it was...

Omar isn't saying you should clone `ImGui_ImplGlfw_CreateWindow` entirely. You should add your own callback which chains to it. For example: ```cpp static void (*OldCreateWindow)(ImGuiViewport*); static void Hls333555CreateWindowShim(ImGuiViewport* viewport) { OldCreateWindow(viewport);...

> The window rounding will disappear when a new viewport window is created That's expected and is why [the examples disable window rounding when viewports are enabled](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/blob/9764adc7bb7a582601dd4dd1c34d4fa17ab5c8e8/examples/example_glfw_opengl3/main.cpp#L79-L85). > The mouse...

> So this is impossible to have both rounding enabled right? Correct, supporting window rounding on every platform for every backend is non-trivial. > This method indeed hide the cursor,...

Dear ImGui 1.82 is quite old. That version of the GLFW backend doesn't support multiple contexts at all, and even in the latest version it's not well supported: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/blob/cb48c81a448aa0a4867e327c0a045a708ff3842e/backends/imgui_impl_glfw.cpp#L116-L119 As...

Correct, `IsWindowFocused` is checking if a window is focused from the perspective of Dear ImGui. It doesn't take anything else into consideration. Edit: See Omar's comment below. ~~Checking whether your...

I stand corrected! Totally forgot backends handled focus events.

@OneArb The platform IO functions are provided by the backend. If `ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable` is not set during backend initialization those functions will not be provided.

@OneArb Yeah, the backend must support viewports. (It's odd you got core dumped, but maybe your backend is barfing on something with viewports enabled.) `ImGuiIO::AppFocusLost` does sound like what you...

@aDioS786 Without the details requested by the issue template we can only guess what your issue is. In particular a code snippet and the compiler you're using would be helpful....