According to a local test in PHP 5.6.3, chr(256) returns a null byte. This shows that chr() used in DataPacket.php returns the integer representation of the least significant byte only,...
- [x] `/unregister` - [ ] Resolve #21 - [x] `/rename` - [ ] Resolve #21 - [x] `/changepw` - [ ] Resolve #21 - [x] `/lock` - [ ]...
Allows admins to `su` into other users' accounts. When logging in as _player_name_, instead of typing the password directly, players can do `/su admin_name password` to `su` into _player_name_'s account.
Broadcast events on the network of servers, such as account renaming, unregistering, etc. if MySQL database is used.
Some commands added recently assume that the accounts are either never used or already registered, without noting that it is possible that some players may not be registered if `ForceRegister`...
Some events extend `PluginEvent` but did not call `parent::__construct()` in constructor. Plugins that handle these events may expect to get a `ServerAuth` instance through `$event->getPlugin()`.
You are assuming that VoteReward is still loaded and enabled in onCompletion of RequestThread, which may not be the case.
- [ ] Commands - [x] //set - [x] hollow - [x] solid - [x] //replace - [x] solid - [x] hollow - [ ] selected tools setting - [x]...
- [x] Unable to view wands in-game - [x] Crash due to fields not initialized when creating space selections - [x] Crash or error message when `// set hollow` is...