MCPE redirects the Player directly without sending a referrer entry like in the HTTP protocol, so this is not possible. Maybe you should instead request that to MCPE instead?
@RandomAltThingy in that case, it sounds more useful to just create a socket server on the other side and send a packet to it, instead of using a third-party communicator...
@Subtleoliver What about servers that still accept players even when they are full?
You can't execute a function or check permission for an offline player from remote :/
@Subtleoliver this is not the place to discuss it. Anyway, note that there might be latency between the CanSpawn response and actually sending the StrangePacket to the client. It may...
Is it because the players have already registered and their default settings is on? In that case, you have to modify the database directly.
What do you mean by that, exactly? Per player language or per server language? Because it is hard to try to know the language of a player when he is...
Then how do they know how to read English to choose a Spanish version of the server?
Also, for the sake of management convenience, I prefer to create one config file per version new configurations.
And how do you expect them to know such command? And what happens if every plugin uses /lang? Only one plugin will work.