Orie Steele

Results 576 comments of Orie Steele

PROPOSAL: Define a JSON Schema for credential subject that makes it clear, it MUST be either an Array or Object. Implement the schema in normative language in the core data...

I am coming around to the idea of using "issue" for both "VC" and "VP".

A related issue discussed on the traceability call today: - https://github.com/w3c-ccg/traceability-vocab/issues/521

It's amazing how many critical issues there are for us to work on. My guess is that "holder binding" would be far less contentious if we could define what a...

Great point about the word binding, it makes you wonder if we are trying to relate "holder binding" to "token binding" or if that relationship is not what we are...

Seems that ncc build is dundling macOS related stuff for sqlite... that is causing the tool to fail in other envs. Suggested fix is for us to drop the sqlite...

I dropped the sqlite ledger for now, the latest version just uses a json file. ``` npm i -g @transmute/[email protected] ```

@jandrieu can you point to examples of this extension that are being used in the wild today? I know folks have been considering it, we should gather evidence that it's...

I think @selfissued also knows of some folks considering this feature, we should strive to get it covered in the test suite, if it really is being used.