Orie Steele

Results 576 comments of Orie Steele

if the alphabets are the same, but the ordering is different, thats going to make developers very sad.

on the call, it was suggested that base-32 will be used in the future, in which case, i suggest aligning with: https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/issues/1995

I'm strongly against a custom alphabet... from a developer perspective, it extra work... and I don't see it as "worth it". You can use https://iancoleman.io/bip39/ , I would not recommend...

awesome, I've recently updated: https://github.com/transmute-industries/PROPOSAL-OpenPgpSignature2019 Any chance you are planning to create some Rust / C / Python GPG JSON-LD Signature suite? or are you planning on keeping signing at...

I agree, I've been working to try and create a Signature Suite that supports OpenPGP, hoping it might help with exactly this linkage (commits and proofs signed by GPG keys!)......

This was a weekend project a while back, but you can push signed json as part of the container build process using github container registry today: https://github.com/transmute-industries/public-credential-registry-template/blob/main/docs/public-container-registry.md Here we include...

Is this issue still a thing? if so, can we get clear steps to reproduce?

I get no error when settings: `"target": "es5",` in `tsconfig.json` and running: ``` $ npm run build:prod $ npm run start:prod ``` I've encountered errors with UglifyJsPlugin and ES6 +...

https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/blob/main/contexts/credentials/v2#L109 I'm going to close this, since I opened it.