Orie Steele

Results 576 comments of Orie Steele

I've not used embark for a while, but I do think that truffle testing is likely to prevent users from being willing to drop it for this (alone). Seems like...

Came here looking for this, I was expecting `n_predictions` to be exposed next to `prompt`. https://github.com/borisdayma/dalle-mini/blob/616cf8e93f5d2ef7db09dd6679fc64ca137c0da8/app/gradio/backend.py#L16 Backend URL is https://bf.dallemini.ai/generate (Side note, this is probably related to your traffic issue:...

I used this work around: ```ts editor.on("objectActivated", function (props: any) { setTimeout(() => { if (props.fontFamily !== defaultFontFamily) { editor.changeTextStyle(props.id, { fontFamily: defaultFontFamily, }); } }, 500); }); ```

My work around is only for the editor.

@dlongley I want to make this explode, whats the easiest way to do that? I have this PR with a failing test: https://github.com/transmute-industries/vc.js/pull/26

explode means that when someone hands json that has been mutated after being signed, a verifier will throw an error on it, not return "verified".

We support the `holder` as an object with an `id` member use case... its very useful when you want to provide a presentation over a name / address, etc... instead...

We extend `VerifiablePresentation` as `TraceablePresentation` specifically to allow for correlation in a B2B setting, see: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/traceability-vocab/#workflow-definition ```json { "@context": [ "https://www.w3.org/2018/credentials/v1", "https://w3id.org/traceability/v1" ], "id": "urn:uuid:3978344f-8596-4c3a-a978-8fcaba3903c5", "type": [ "VerifiablePresentation", "TraceablePresentation" ],...

> Note that Trusted Types does a bit more than stopping the malicious payload from executing. It refuses to assign any text-based data to a dangerous sink, even when that...