Orie Steele

Results 576 comments of Orie Steele

After thinking about this a bit more, you wouldn't want to do this... mostly because `path` values have a lot of redundant nodes... which are currently eliminated by compression. We...

```js const base64url = require("base64url"); const { expandProofs } = require("./merkle"); const expandedDerivedJwp = { protected: { kid: "did:example:123#key-0", alg: "MDP+EdDSA", zip: "DEF" }, payloads: ["Yg"], proof: "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", }; const...

This seems ready for a PR, we should label issues with "help wanted" or "ready for PR" and try and get more contributors pushing updates.

This is blocked by the use of the `alg` in the header... for example, if the full disclosure header and the selective disclosure header need to be the same... the...

@quartzjer yes you got it. originally we had discussed an `alg` for the original "fully disclosure" proof and one for the derived "selective disclosure proof"... Then a verifier can switch...

@quartzjer I agree with everything you said, but the problem remains, you will need to call a different verify algorithm and if you don't have way to choose from the...

an unprotected header might be a useful feature. If there is no unprotected header, the "proof" or "signature" should disambiguate the algorithms... there should be no guess or content sniffing......

In VC Data Model terms, we would expect this "VERIFY_HEADER" to cover `domain` and `challenge` which map to `aud` and `nonce`.

It might be smart to start a tentative alg registry, so we can start referring to things by unambiguous names... If we wait too long we will have all the...

> My position is that all payloads MUST have an associated claim mapping in that layout. There should NOT be any payloads included in a JPT that aren't accessible as...