
Results 388 comments of NielsRogge

> Does that change need to be included inside transformers as well? Yes, modeling files are often updated to work with ONNX or torch.fx for instance (as long as the...

Hi, Notebooks for FLAVA will soon be available in You can find already some tutorials here: cc @apsdehal

Awesome! Most info can be found here: If you can provide me your usernames, I can add you to the Microsoft organization on the hub.

@mariosasko I'm getting a similar issue when creating a Dataset from a Pandas dataframe, like so: ``` from datasets import Dataset, Features, Image, Value import pandas as pd import requests...

@thomasmueller-google I managed to convert tfexamples into PyTorch tensors (so I'm able to provide data to PyTorch models). Now the next steps are defining the model configuration and the model...

Thank you for your response. The base pretrained model (masklm) is converted into PyTorch. Now, I want to check whether this conversion is correct by comparing its outputs to the...

Ok, actually for now I just wanted to test the base model (without any heads on top), so what I did was initialize my base PyTorch model (`TapasModel`) with the...

@thomasmueller-google @eisenjulian happy to say I've got already a working Colab that returns aggregation and classification logits of my PyTorch implementation of Tapas (you can run it from top to...

Is it possible to call `estimator.evaluate()` in ``? This would be ideal, since I can then test it on a real batch from WTQ or SQA. I tried this by...

Currently, I have a working implementation of `TapasForQuestionAnswering` in PyTorch, with an associated `TapasTokenizer` that prepares the data for the model. It removes the need for an intermediate `Interaction` format,...