
Results 79 issues of NielsRogge

Hey there! Thanks for this repository (and the accompanying blog post), really helpful to learn more about JAX and graph neural networks! When I ran `python`, I get an...

# What does this PR do? This PR adds Donut to the library. Donut is to LayoutLM what T5 is to BERT. :D The model is implemented as an instance...

# What does this PR do? This PR is an initial draft for implementing the classic Mask R-CNN framework with ConvNeXt as backbone. The framework is implemented in a single...

Hi Swin Transformer team, We've recently added Swin Transformer to HuggingFace Transformers: All checkpoints are on the hub: The cool thing about the hub is that it's entirely...

## Describe the bug When adding a Pillow image to an existing Dataset on the hub, `add_item` fails due to the Pillow image not being automatically converted into the Image...


## Adding a Dataset - **Name:** DocVQA - **Description:** Document Visual Question Answering (DocVQA) seeks to inspire a “purpose-driven” point of view in Document Analysis and Recognition research, where the...

dataset request

TDLR: it seems I can properly fine-tune TAPAS on custom data when the classification heads are randomly initialized, but not when I'm further fine-tuning `tapas_wtq_wikisql_sqa_inter_masklm_base_reset`. I am experiencing this both...

Hi, Are the numeric column ranks created based on the original table, or after `drop_rows_to_fit`? The reason I'm asking this is because in the Transformers library, some people are complaining...

Hi, I'm currently testing my implementation of `TapasTokenizer` (in the Transformers library, each model has a corresponding tokenizer that can be used to prepare data for the model). When testing...

Hello, as a summer project (and to learn a lot about both Tensorflow and PyTorch), I am working on incorporating a PyTorch implementation of the TAPAS algorithm into the [Transformers...