
Results 388 comments of NielsRogge

MarkupLM is now part of the Transformers library, feel free to close this issue :) * Docs: * Demo notebooks:

No but it's basically the same as [this notebook](, except that you need to swap your model with a PEFT model. In code: ``` from transformers import VisionEncoderDecoderModel from peft...

Hi, regarding which processor to use, it doesn't matter, they both use the same vocabulary and image preprocessing settings. For hyperparameter optimization, I would definitely experiment with number of epochs,...

That's an interesting, weird issue. Could NMS (non-maximum suppression) help here?

Hi, Batched inference is supported by default in the Transformers library as shown [here]( Just pass multiple images to the image processor, and multiple target sizes to the `post_process_object_detection` method.

Awesome! I see all models are Keras models. Are you leveraging `from_pretrained_keras` to load models directly from the hub?

Hi, Batched inference with LLaVa is supported in Hugging Face Transformers. See here for an example:

Yes I'm aware of that, this is being addressed in It will be part of the next Transformers release!