
Results 69 issues of watchman-pypi

Hi, as shown in the following full dependency graph of **_Photon_**, **_Photon_** requires _**urllib3**_ (the latest version), while the installed version of **_requests_**(2.22.0) requires _**urllib3>=1.21.1,

Hi, users are unable to run **_Insta-mass-account-creator_** due to dependency conflict with _**urllib3**_ package. As shown in the following full dependency graph of **Insta-mass-account-creator**, **_Insta-mass-account-creator_** requires _**urllib3==1.25.2**_,while **_requests==2.21.0_** requires _**urllib3>=1.21.1,=1.21.1,=1.2)...

Hi, users are unable to run **_CoinMarketCap-Historical-Prices_** due to dependency conflict with _**urllib3**_ package. As shown in the following full dependency graph of **_CoinMarketCap-Historical-Prices_**, **_CoinMarketCap-Historical-Prices_** requires _**urllib3==1.25**_,while **_requests==2.21.0_** requires _**urllib3>=1.21.1,=1.21.1,=1.2)...

Hi, users are unable to run **_Daily-Reddit-Wallpaper_** due to dependency conflict with _**update-checker**_ package. As shown in the following full dependency graph of **_Daily-Reddit-Wallpaper_**, it directly requires _**update-checker==0.11**_,while **_praw==5.4.0_** requires...

Hi, _**aiocontextvars**_ locked the version constraint of _**contextvars**_ as contextvars ==2.4, which leads a troubling scenario to its direct downstream project _**gumbelcodes**_ which has dependency contextvars. What makes the situation...

Hi, users are unable to run **_pygenealogicaltools_** due to dependency conflict with _**python-dateutil**_ package. As shown in the following full dependency graph of **_pygenealogicaltools_**, **_mapbox_** requires **_ python-dateutil >=2.5.0_**,while **_botocore_**...


Hi, users are unable to run **_adminset_** due to dependency conflict with _**pyasn1**_ package. As shown in the following full dependency graph of **_adminset_**, **_adminset_** requires _**pyasn1==0.4.1**_,while **_pyasn1-modules_**==0.2.6 requires _**pyasn1>=0.4.6,=0.4.6,=1.11)...

Hi, users are unable to run swapi due to dependency conflict with _**keen**_ package. As shown in the following full dependency graph of swapi, swapi requires _**keen==0.3.7**_,while django-keen==0.1.3 requires _**keen==0.3.0**_....

Hi, as shown in the following full dependency graph of **_pyspider_**, pyspider requires _**chardet**_ (the latest version), while the installed version of **_requests_**(2.22.0) requires _**chardet>=3.0.2,