
Results 69 issues of watchman-pypi

Hi, as shown in the following full dependency graph of **_python-weixin_**, **_python-weixin_** requires _**chardet**_ (the latest version), while the installed version of **_requests_**(2.22.0) requires _**chardet>=3.0.2,

Hi, users are unable to run **_AWSBucketDump_** due to dependency conflict with _**urllib3**_ package. As shown in the following full dependency graph of **_AWSBucketDump_**, **_AWSBucketDump_** requires _**urllib3**_,while **_requests==2.20.0_** requires _**urllib3>=1.21.1,=1.21.1,=2017.4.17)...

Hi, as shown in the following full dependency graph of **_kalliope_**, kallioperequires _**urllib3**_ (the latest version), while the installed version of **_requests_**(2.22.0) requires _**urllib3>=1.21.1,

Hi, _**zhihu-crawler-people**_ directly and transitively introduced multiple versions of urllib3. as shown in the following full dependency graph of **_zhihu-crawler-people_**, **_zhihu-crawler-people_** requires _**urllib3**_ (the latest version), while the installed version...

Hi, as shown in the following full dependency graph of **_textpipe_**, **_textpipe_** requires **_numpy =1.18.0_**, **_textacy_** requires **_pyemd >=0.5.0_** (**_pyemd 0.5.1_** will be installed, i.e., the newest version satisfying the...

#98 keep the consistency between and requirements.txt

Hi, as shown in the following full dependency graph of **_bless_**, bless requires _**boto3**_ (the latest version), while the installed version of **_kmsauth_**(0.3.0) requires _**boto3>=1.2.0,

Hi, users are unable to run **_programy_** due to dependency conflict with _**six**_ package. As shown in the following full dependency graph of **_programy_**, **_tweepy_** requires _**six >=1.10.0**_,while **_kik_** requires...

Hi, as shown in the following full dependency graph of **_django-netjsongraph_**, **_django-netjsongraph_** requires **_django >=2.2,=2.2_**. According to Pip's “_first found wins_” installation strategy, **_django 3.0.6_** is the actually installed version....

Hi, users are unable to run **_modbus-simulator_** due to dependency conflict with _**six**_ package. As shown in the following full dependency graph of **_modbus-simulator_**, **_modbus-simulator_** requires _**six==1.10.0**_,while **_pymodbus==2.1.0_** requires _**six==1.11.0**_....