Nikita (Anatolievich) Dudnik
Nikita (Anatolievich) Dudnik
Hey @jtkDvlp , I have to say my reason was pretty simple, it fixed the problems with deeply nested data structures, and it worked. I didn't think thoroughly about the...
Quoting wikipedia: "The book contains many instances of recursion and self-reference, where objects and ideas speak about or refer back to themselves." Not sure if it qualifies it though. I...
Huge enormous thanks! You've saved my week.
I've just bumped into the problem.
I think I misreported this bug. The operative system is a web browser, not macOS.
Interestingly, I've tried shuffling steps around, and the first step is always rendered fine.
@klavinski Relevant code from the project I'm working on. ```tsx import { extend, ReactThreeFiber, useFrame, useThree } from '@react-three/fiber' //@ts-ignore import { SSGIEffect, HBAOEffect, MotionBlurEffect, VelocityDepthNormalPass } from 'realism-effects' import...