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Support for WASM with +mutable-globals,+atomics target features
I realise this is quite an obscure use-case, but currently if you try to play audio on WASM with the +atomics and +mutable-globals features enabled in Rust Nightly, Firefox and Chrome error out since AudioBuffer.copyToChannel doesn't support SharedArrayBuffers.
Error on Firefox:
panicked at 'Unable to write sample data into the audio context buffer: JsValue(TypeError: AudioBuffer.copyToChannel: Argument 1 can't be a SharedArrayBuffer or an ArrayBufferView backed by a SharedArrayBuffer
Error on Chrome:
web.js:446 panicked at 'Unable to write sample data into the audio context buffer: JsValue(TypeError: Failed to execute 'copyToChannel' on 'AudioBuffer': The provided Float32Array value must not be shared.
TypeError: Failed to execute 'copyToChannel' on 'AudioBuffer': The provided Float32Array value must not be shared.
<cpal::host::webaudio::Device as cpal::traits::DeviceTrait>::build_output_stream_raw::{{closure}}::ha128e8e549ebdafb@http://localhost/web_bg.wasm:wasm-function[669]:0x2bcd81
I have managed to get it working by modifying host\webaudio\ by adding an external javascript call
#[wasm_bindgen(module = "/audio-shim.js")]
extern "C" {
fn copy_audio_buffer(dest: &AudioBuffer, src: &[f32], channel: i32);
// New, working version
copy_audio_buffer(&ctx_buffer, &temporary_channel_buffer, channel as i32);
// Previous, broken version
// ctx_buffer
// .copy_to_channel(&mut temporary_channel_buffer, channel as i32)
// .expect("Unable to write sample data into the audio context buffer");
export function copy_audio_buffer(dest, src, channel) {
// Turn the array view into owned memory.
var standalone = [...src];
// Make it a Float32Array.
var buffer = new Float32Array(standalone);
// Copy the data.
dest.copyToChannel(buffer, channel);
( Many thanks to this webpage for that trick )
Huge enormous thanks! You've saved my week.
would the maintainers of this project be willing to accept a pull request containing this change?
I want to use this but if it's not added into the main branch then I will have to maintain a fork of cpal
No idea, but it's worth trying I guess, feel free. The branch I'm using at the moment is the one attempting to be merged in, which has this change plus more fixes, so personally I'm hoping that that gets merged.