Results 57 comments of Michael Mara

Hmm, 218 is an invalid ptx error. I have added a new level of verbosity in the latest branch: if you pull and recompile, and set your Opt_InitializationParameters.verbosityLevel to 3...

I believe this is some poor interaction between atomic double precision float adds and your version of nvvm. One workaround for now is to set pascalOrBetterGPU = false on line...

Install CUDA 7.5, as it is a dependency for Opt. Alternatively, try to get it to work with 9.0 by changing things that depend on 7.5 to things that depend...

Most of those errors are with OpenMesh. The version we distributed was compiled with VS2013, it is possible you will need to compile it yourself if you wish to use...

Thanks! Unfortunately the .sync. operators weren't introduced until after CUDA 7.5 (Opt's currently recommended version). So either we need to detect the CUDA version and switch what code we use,...

1f0b9a8 is a solid first step in this direction; you can manually compare logs between revisions to quickly check for regressions. Next step is generating well formatted output when running...

Hmm, it can't find the C stdlib. Can you run the terra tests and see if they pass?

What version of terra are you using? This is a problem, the default parameters should work fine. For the LM solver, what happens if you set the residual_reset_period to 1?

Happy to merge the first 3 commits; but the last two seem to be one-off tests.

This is a problem we have not yet run into, so I do not have much advice. If you provide a test case I could try and reproduce. Our autodiff...