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Fast spike sorting with drift correction for up to a thousand channels

Results 134 Kilosort issues
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I am unfortunately running into an issue where each time I try to run kilosort on a particular data file (~45min long, collected with a 2x32 NeuroNexus Silicon Probe and...

I've noticed that KS3 outperforms older versions, but I'm having trouble doing the manual curation in Phy without the feature view (see issue #317). Any news on when this functionality...

Hi I'm new to Kilosort. I'm using KS3, recording from 32 channels linear stereotrodes (50um between contacts), with open pehys. I have a hard time calibrating KS in order to...

In kilosort 2.0, the whitening_mat.npy file contains the real whitening matrix: whiteningMatrix = rez.Wrot/rez.ops.scaleproc; The inverse of this matrix is used to compute the template amplitude using this code whiteningMatrixInv...

I have noticed that files saved for viewing with phy have absolute paths baked in to them; this requires manual fixing whenever files are moved/transfered.

Hi, I am trying to sort tetrode data using Kilosort 3 without drift correction but unfortunately lots of spikes, of average amplitude, are not being detected. I also tried with...

I am having trouble understanding the figure named 'estimated drift traces'. 1. What does the color indicate? I assume that the color indicates the depth and the figure shows how...

Hello, I'm running Kilosort on identical datasets with identical parameters on two different PCs. One machine is running MATLAB 2022a and has a GeForce RTX 3080 Ti, the other is...

Is there a good way to find better fitting main parameters (ops.Th, ops.AUCsplit and ops.lam)? I have had unexpected strong variation in number of clusters in similar recordings and many...

when I used KS to run my 16 linear channel EP data, after I clicked "run" , it returned following mistakes: Time 0s. Computing whitening matrix.. Getting channel whitening matrix......