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Fast spike sorting with drift correction for up to a thousand channels

Results 134 Kilosort issues
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[](url)Hi All! Similar to other discussions on tracking, I was wondering if we could have a discussion about the amount of drift and noise that's expected from day to day,...

Hi all I have problems getting the .cu files in the CUDA folder compiled. I am using Matlab R2019b, CUDA Toolkit 10.1, MS Visual Studio 2019. I can compile and...

I'm running preprocessing for a 32channel linear probe array, feeding in the continuous.dat file from open ephys and I'm getting the following error. Any idea where this could be coming...

It seems somehow, the spikes are shifted in time and double counted. You can tell by the overlay of the waveform and the peak at 0 in CCG. Not sure...

Is there a way to get kilosort to detect positive peaks? It seems it is not meant to, but I am wondering if there is a way to get it...

Hi, I am getting an error during sorting. Same dat file works for Kilosort 2.0. Just thought you would like to know. It would be nice to see how 3.0...

Hi, I received this error while inputing 14 channel data. I have made the channel.mat file using tutorial. Error: Index exceeds array bounds. Error in ksGUI/updateDataView (line 891) dat =...

Hello, I am having two problems while running kilosort3 and I am not really sure how to utilize the error messages to figure out what is wrong with my data,...

the README suggests installing any MATLAB version above 2016 and the appropriate CUDA, alongside a C++ compiler. For those using the same setup I am, It seems like VSC2013 won't...

I'm running into an issue sorting with ks3. I've seen other (closed) issues with CUBLAS error, but none of them have solutions. I'm running it on ~250GB of neuropixel data....