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Fast spike sorting with drift correction for up to a thousand channels

Results 134 Kilosort issues
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Hi, I have been successful in recording from Neuropixels probe with SpikeGLX and sorting with KS3 using the Bank0 only imro and channelmap. Lately I tried recording with the LongCol_1shank.imro....

I am having trouble converting a pl2 file to the necessary raw binary file needed for kilosort. I am able to run PL2Ad on the specific channel and it gives...

I checked my input data, they appears to be no-problem. Whenever I proceed with: `rez = datashift2(rez, 1);` it always save a file with all value zero on the path...

We are using a 512 channel rectangular MEA, and are recording from organotypic slices. These slices tend to flatten and spread out in all directions slowly throughout the recording. I...

I'm trying to install Kilosort but while running the mexGPUall.m file I'm getting an error - >Warning: The selected C++ compiler is not supported for CUDA compilation. Searching for a...

Hi, I just tried Kilosort3 and received an error using gpuArray/subsasgn. I've copied the error below: Error using gpuArray/subsasgn An unexpected error occurred trying to launch a kernel. The CUDA...

Hi, I am using KS 3.0 for spike sorting of very long (days) Neuropixels recording. I am using quite a strong machine ~400GB RAM, 2 GPUs, and 20 CPUs, however,...

I'm sorting neuropixels data (matlab 2020a). On one set of data, find_merges crashes with the following message: ---------------------- Error using accumarray First input SUBS must contain positive integer subscripts. Error...

Hello, I've been trying to use both KS 2.5 and KS 3, and have run into similar problems with both. I have been able to run the entire program, and...

Thank you for your support always. I have seen my results in the phy and found that there are a lot of clusters labeled with mua (attached file). Autorrelograms of...