## What problem does this solve or what need does it fill? There are cases where direct access to EntityRef/EntityMut is needed in an iterating context ## What solution would...
Add From for EntityRef (fixes #5459)
Currently, whenever the player sends a "close window" packet, the server sends a "close window" packet back. As a result, if you close a window and then open another window...
Implement Block Placements Added PlayerBlockUpdateNeighborEvent Added cursorPosition to PlayerBlockPlaceEvent
Modifies the player's fov by a factor The multiplier is affected by the client Accessibility option 'FOV Effects' I'm not sure about the approach of exposing a variable in ClientboundPlayerAbilitiesPacket...
In Creative, the block and entity reach is the same (4.5), so the code works as is. In Adventure, the event always fires, so the code works as is. In...
Entities which have been despawned due to player movement will still send packets to players (for 1 tick) This can be fixed by only sending viewable packets if the chunk...
Calling List#get in BufferBuilder#nextElement has to perform a lot of pointer accesses. BufferBuilder -> VertexFormat -> List -> Map -> Array -> Entry -> VertexFormatElement Let's not do that, shall...
Adds 3 new translation features (I can split into 3 PRs if needed) 1. Add Force JSON Translation For me (and maybe others), the plugin isn't able to detect the...