
Results 397 comments of Mingun

Yes, I'll combine your PR and #702, add tests and changelog. I'll plan to release new version soon, maybe this weekend. Unfortunately too many job at work and Kreia in...

It's quite hard to answer to your very broad question. What API you want to use? Serde or just raw XML events? If I correctly understand your example, you have...

Serde is definitely a slower than XML events, about 3x times according to results of [compare](https://github.com/tafia/quick-xml/tree/88aa477c4a8eb2323e949fdb617c33c7389c55ca/compare) project with [sample_rss.xml](https://github.com/tafia/quick-xml/blob/88aa477c4a8eb2323e949fdb617c33c7389c55ca/tests/documents/sample_rss.xml). You also can try to use https://lib.rs/crates/xmlserde which uses quick-xml but...

Please add a changelog entry. Do not forget to add actual link in section with links, contributors frequently forget about that. Please keep the links list sorted by issue number.

Settings for configuring serialization behavior does not exposed yet for `Serializer`

In the mentioned case should be possible to keep unrecognized entities unexpanded. We have [`EntityResolver`](https://docs.rs/quick-xml/latest/quick_xml/de/trait.EntityResolver.html) trait and default `NoEntityResolver` that does nothing. However, I assume, that entity `&()_+-=;` was formed...

> Yep. This file path was randomly selected for testing purposes to ensure the storage services can handle special characters correctly. Are you provide the path with special characters to...

> The response is neither created nor altered by us. Then you should create a bug report in JFrog. If the returned path is guaranteed to be the one that...

Very interesting! If I understand correctly, this is results of benchmarks of crates themselves, you didn't integrate [`stringzilla`](https://lib.rs/crates/stringzilla) to `quick-xml`, right? I'm always open in performance improvements so if you...