
Results 11 issues of Mikor-mkr

Hello everyone! Thanks for taking the time to check my post, I wonder what modifications would be necessary to keep the not-projected/uncolored points on the pointcloud. I ask this as...

Hi everyone, I have some issues with the point collection and the results are bad. I get results like these: Rotation in Euler angles: 168.026 101.679 66.3122 Translation: 78.1923 19.4535...

Hi everyone, thanks for taking the time to check my post, I want to ask, can this package be used for 3D lidar?

Hi people, thanks for taking the time to check my post. I launch t265 and d435 from 2 separate launch files. `roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_t265.launch unite_imu_method:=linear_interpolation` `roslaunch realsense2_camera test_v2.launch serial_no:=048122070613 initial_reset:=true...

As the title says, I want to find out the relationship between the 2 coordinate frames, is this something I have to compute or is it known by the manufacturer?

Hi people, I am interested in creating a broadcasting script that publishes a ros IMU topic with [sensor_msgs/Imu](http://docs.ros.org/en/noetic/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/Imu.html). As I understand if create a topic pulling motion data from T265...

Hello everyone, First of all thanks for taking the time to check my issue. The error I get is the following: ``` [ERROR] [1623244822.830661872]: Invalid 'stop_frame' -2147483648 for video which...

Hi everyone, first of all thank you for taking the time to check my issue. I want to capture point clouds with per point time stamps, I use a VLP-16...

Hello everyone, I've found a dataset from the pix4d examples, [here is the link to the dataset](https://cloud.pix4d.com/dataset/42851/map?shareToken=e3861a9d89bd49659392e725e25afe1c). The images contain in their EXIF metadata the geotag in WGS84. I've run...

## Expected behavior and actual behavior. expected to turn .tif to .jp2 but it returns "Unable to load tif(f) file" with smaller size .tif files the conversion works as expected....