Multi-input single-output PID control of reactors - https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1510860 - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959152420302080 Considering adding temperature change as an input and/or coolant level. Possibly implement something like this PLC-side to do ramping in...
Minifying "safety-critical" code isn't my favorite idea, but if done correctly would save a lot of space on the default 1MB computers. 1. Remove all comments (defined as starting with...
- [x] Emergency coolant actions and conditions - [x] PLC configurator - [x] RTU configurator - [x] Supervisor configurator - [x] Coordinator configurator - [ ] Pocket configurator - [...
Add a tab to the supervisor front panel to list cases of multiple devices having the same device ID (from an RTU) to aid the user in finding issues. Additionally...
In rmpk, it really is no expression, but a normal function that creates a sum. So maybe we should rename it.
- [ ] List all computers - [ ] List all pings reported by the supervisor
Modify `imgen.py` to be smarter to determine which files are necessary within package dependencies. This would reduce app sizes, most notably by not pulling every graphics file.
Once fusion is added later, this is needed to differentiate. It should be done for the full release.
- [ ] Check peripheral connections - [ ] Check config validity (keep it simple, just instruct the user to reconfigure) - [ ] Check supervisor connection
- [ ] Check peripheral connections - [ ] Check config validity (keep it simple, just instruct the user to reconfigure) - [ ] Check supervisor connection