**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Tracking memory usage in the Java version of ComputerCraft is a challenge, so it would be nice to be able...
- [ ] Show a percentage of progress - [x] Wait on key press before continuing instead of using os.sleep - [x] #313 Ability to download new installer - [x]...
To save on time, just HMAC the packet and a small part of the data instead of the whole thing. The sequence ID is enough to provide differing messages. Consider...
Very high level overview of units. Will add tabs that show reactors/boilers/turbines once a specific unit has been selected to view additional details as part of future tickets. - [x]...
Utilize a ComputerCraft printer to print out live reports as transient events occur. Aided by #305 Could also support printing to chat using chat box from advanced peripherals.
Support enabling water to either the reactor or the boiler when water levels drop. This can occur on burn rate increases and during initial start. This would activate much earlier...
Large burn rates currently take a very long time to ramp up, so some type of non-linear curve will need to be added to safely and quickly ramp up to...
Provide an interface to toggle redstone outputs via the pocket computer testing controls. Similar to alarms, this will require the system to be in a 'safe state'. A way to...
This would need to add coolant type specifiers to tanks and possible adjustments to pipe diagram layout. This would need some self-checks to make sure the user can't make invalid...