Michael Smith

Results 69 comments of Michael Smith

Is there anything we can do to help get this merged? It's a problem for me as well.

I'm running into this as well, and it appears the README update about how to work around it by editing `~/.lein/profiles.clj` never happened. Would you mind outlining that fix here?

Ah yes, this is primarily about developing an application and testing out configuration/templating. So my work-around isn't terrible, but `kots pull` seems like it should work with `valuePlaintext`. P.S. https://kots.io/kotsadm/updating/patching-with-kustomize/...

An additional note: doing `kots pull` also rewrites the `userdata/config.yaml` with encrypted values, removing the `valuePlaintext`.

We've primarily moved to relying on the KOTS Admin Console service to handle pulls, so we only modify "upstream". I modify `/upstream/userdata/config.yaml` regularly to make changes. Always set/edit `value` (not...

I'm definitely running into an issue with this where the preflights never seem to finish. I started this install 11 minutes ago with essentially ``` kubectl kots install app-slug --license-file...

Could https://github.com/replicatedhq/kots/issues/847 explain why deploys aren't happening automatically?

https://github.com/replicatedhq/kots/issues/861 also seems related.

It seems like https://github.com/replicatedhq/kots/blob/v1.24.0/kotsadm/pkg/preflight/execute.go#L44 should be set to the `POD_NAMESPACE`, not left blank. Although I'm not sure the troubleshoot docs are right, it seems to use `default` if no specific...

Ah yeah, forgot they're templated for a minute. I can use that as a workaround.