Mladen Mijatov

Results 234 comments of Mladen Mijatov

You mean we support character replacement but only with audio files/tags?

That I understood and planned on doing. My question was related to your comment.

Am not sure whether we should keep it or obsolete it. People asked for it, but I am yet to see someone use it or tell me they are using...

@yan123 this at some point worked and then for some reason stopped. Why, I don't know but there have been attempts at making it work again. I don't think GTK...

Being worked on as we speak. Should land in next version. Thanks for reporting this issue.

I don't wish to delay 0.3 more than this. So I am moving this issue to be scheduled for next release.

Ah, yes. Trash list is based on ItemList, so I assumed locations button will be present everywhere. This needs to safely fall back to an acceptable solution. It would be...

Can you provide a screen shot?

Okay, thanks for providing extra information. I can see how this is not convenient. New, GTK3 version, is already going this direction to display both mounted and unmounted volumes.

Trash tab in general requires a lot of work. This is one of the things missing.