Mladen Mijatov

Results 234 comments of Mladen Mijatov

Another issue I have with this approach is that there's no way to detect if GUI is running and just blindly calling rpcnotify it not working for CLI version.

> You can check if gnvim is running with `exists("g:gnvim")` Thanks. I managed in different way. I'll change this code. Is there a reason why `ginit.vim` and `gvimrc` are not...

I know I can source it, but whole point of it existing was that we didn't have to do GUI detection on our own, just put GUI specific stuff there....

Hm, yeah, that's an NeoVim specific issue which I didn't consider since I just moved from Vim. Either way my problem is solved.

Well, in my code I use something similar to what Linux Kernel coding style suggests. If there's a single line in `if` then I don't put curly braces, even with...

Documentation should be updated with this in mind. :)

Oh, doesn't seem to work for `split` it always adds curly braces. o_0

This is from my config: ``` vim " configure splitjoin let g:splitjoin_javascript_if_clause_curly_braces = "sj" ``` Regardless of my config they behave the same.

Whole preferences window needs to be redesigned. I didn't even touch it yet. Am leaving it as is on purpose until I decide upon a uniform structure and looks. What...