Mladen Mijatov

Results 234 comments of Mladen Mijatov

You are welcome. Active is a bit of an overstatement. I try to find time here and there. It's usually grouped over the weekends when I have downtime from other...

Unfortunately this is another feature GTK developers removed and made it impossible to bring back. You can see [more info here]( In short they think cost to benefit ratio is...

To be honest I don't like the idea of doing that. GTK developers had caused similar issues previously as well. For a while copy and paste didn't work because they...

Large majority of the delay was indeed caused by the custom sort function. Simply put Python is slower than a sort algorithm implemented in C. Granted ours was way better...

According to [command menu]( formatting, there's no such thing as `%F`. I understand the expectation for it to behave the same way as "open with" dialog. Try replacing with `%S`...

What you linked is for general file associations. Executing commands is done from here: I'll take a look why it's not working for you.

This is an issue and bunch of them appeared out of nowhere with migration to Py3 and GTK3. So it needs to be fixed. Thanks I'll let you know when...

Thanks for reporting this @ahornero. There's not direct key -> command mapping. There is a shortcut for dropping down commands menu where you should be able to search and execute...

Thanks. I should probably rework that menu a bit and make it invokeable anywhere.

Yes we can. I thought we already had this.